The Bible teaches that fathers are accountable for the spiritual environment in which their children are raised (Deut.6:4-9; Eph. 6:1-4; Col. 3:18-21). Believing fathers know that they cannot do this alone. They understand that they must be dependent on God for wisdom, strength, and courage. Our Father invites all fathers to pray with confidence, drawing near to the throne of grace, so that we might receive mercy and find grace to help (Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; Matt. 6:9-13). With this in mind, let me suggest seven prayers that fathers can pray:
1. Lord, I submit myself to you. I realize that parenting a child in the way that you would have me is beyond my human abilities. I know you to help help me. I need your wisdom, discernment, and guidance. I also need your patience and strength. I need your love to flow through me to my children. Teach me how to love the way you love. Cause me to walk in righteousness and integrity before you. Enable me to obey your Word and do what is pleasing in your sight.
2. Thank you Lord for the precious gift of this child because your Word says every good and perfect gift comes from you. I know that you have given him/her to me as a stewardship to you. Help me to raise him/her to fear you and walk in your ways. Help me to release him/her to your protection, guidance, and counsel. Help me not to live in fear of people, circumstances, ideas, and values that my child will experience and be exposed to. Help me to rest in your sovereign control. I'm grateful that I do not have to rely on the world's unreliable and everchanging methods for parenting, but I can get clear direction from your Word.
3. Lord, I pray that you will fill my child with your spirit of truth. Give him/her a heart that loves truth and follows after it, rejecting all lies of the enemy. Guide him/her into all truth. Guard him/her from ideas, entertainment, philosophies that are lies from the world. May he/she never give place to lies and lying, but be a person of truth and integrity.
4. Lord, I pray that my child will have a deep reverence for your ways. May he/she hide your Word in his/her heart like a treasure, and seek after understanding like silver and gold. Give him/her a teachable spirit and a desire to learn. Instill in him/her wisdom to study and apply your Word.
5. Lord, place in my child a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart. May this desire be reflected in what he/she wears, where he/she goes, and who he/she has as friends. Where he/she strays from the path of holiness, quickly bring him/her to a place of confession and repentance. Give him/her an understanding that to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing into his/her life.
6. Lord, I pray that you would keep my child free from any ungodly, unhealthy addictions. Make him/her strong in you. Cause him/her to look for the way of escape from temptation. Put a fear of disobedience to you in his/her heart. Guard him/her from those who would offer and pressure him/her to the possibility of any addictions.
7. Lord, unless your plan is for my child to remain single, send the right mate for him/her in your time. Give him/her clear understanding of your leading. May the future mate be a person of godliness who walks in all your ways. May they come together in purity and remain that way until married.
Fathers, also remember 1 Peter 3:7: "Likewise husband, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered."
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Salvation or Self-Deception?
In keeping with our current Sunday morning sermon series: Salvation or Self-Deception? I thought this paragraph from the book Follow Me by David Platt was fitting:
Sometimes I ask people, "How do you know that you are a Christian?" Or "How do you know you are saved from your sin?" The most common replies I hear from professing Christians are "Because I decided to trust in Jesus" or "Because I asked Jesus to save me however many years ago" or even "Because I have given my life to Jesus." Notice how each of these replies begin with the words, "Because I...." such responses are not wrong, and I assure you my aim is not to be the word police, but I do want to offer what I hope is a healthy reminder that you and I are not saved from our sin primarily because we decided to do something however many years ago. Instead, we are saved from our sin ultimately because Jesus decided to do something two thousand years ago. And based upon His grace, His mercy, and His love in coming to us, sinners totally unable to save ourselves, we have been invited to follow Him. The love of God in the life and death of Christ is the only foundation for authentic salvation.
Think about it.
Sometimes I ask people, "How do you know that you are a Christian?" Or "How do you know you are saved from your sin?" The most common replies I hear from professing Christians are "Because I decided to trust in Jesus" or "Because I asked Jesus to save me however many years ago" or even "Because I have given my life to Jesus." Notice how each of these replies begin with the words, "Because I...." such responses are not wrong, and I assure you my aim is not to be the word police, but I do want to offer what I hope is a healthy reminder that you and I are not saved from our sin primarily because we decided to do something however many years ago. Instead, we are saved from our sin ultimately because Jesus decided to do something two thousand years ago. And based upon His grace, His mercy, and His love in coming to us, sinners totally unable to save ourselves, we have been invited to follow Him. The love of God in the life and death of Christ is the only foundation for authentic salvation.
Think about it.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Truth About Satan
In the Christian classic by C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, in which a senior demon from a highly organized, computerized Hell, instructs a junior demon in the art of winning over a young man's soul, there is this warning: "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about devils. One is disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them." As Dr. Jim Denison, writes; "Our culture seems to have found a way to commit both errors simultaneously."
Movies, books, cartoons, and social media seem to play both ends of the spectrum. There is a great interest in the demonic in our culture, yet, much of it is taken as Hollywood fantasy with no regard or consideration for the reality of Satan (and demons). The Bible teaches a real Satan (Gen. 3:1-6; Job 1; Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-17; Luke 4:1-13; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:1-6). Not that we must look for a demon under every rock, but we must be aware of his existence and deceit (Eph. 6:12).
Remember Satan is not like God. He is a created being. He is limited. Yes, he is supernatural. He has existed for centuries, therefore he knows human nature, is super intelligent, and is the master manipulator. He is a murderer and liar (John 8:44).
Therefore, we have specific instructions on what to do to combat Satan. In Ephesians 6:10-20, we are told to "put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." Subsequently, the armor is listed as the belt of "truth," the "breastplate of righteousness," the shoes of "peace," the "shield of faith," the "helmet of salvation," and the "sword of the Spirit."
This spiritual weaponry is not man-made (2 Cor. 10:3-5). There are many misunderstandings and false ideas about how to "stand firm." But our spiritual weapons can be summed up in one word: obedience. Obedience comes by having our minds controlled by the truth of God's Word. By obeying God's Word, you will stand firm "in the evil day" (Eph. 6:13). When is the evil day? Every day has been evil since Adam and Eve listened to Satan's temptation. So, in the words of the Apostle Paul;"Put on the full armor of God.."
Think about it.
Remember.....he is defeated (Rev. 20:10), though for now he is the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2).
Movies, books, cartoons, and social media seem to play both ends of the spectrum. There is a great interest in the demonic in our culture, yet, much of it is taken as Hollywood fantasy with no regard or consideration for the reality of Satan (and demons). The Bible teaches a real Satan (Gen. 3:1-6; Job 1; Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-17; Luke 4:1-13; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:1-6). Not that we must look for a demon under every rock, but we must be aware of his existence and deceit (Eph. 6:12).
Remember Satan is not like God. He is a created being. He is limited. Yes, he is supernatural. He has existed for centuries, therefore he knows human nature, is super intelligent, and is the master manipulator. He is a murderer and liar (John 8:44).
Therefore, we have specific instructions on what to do to combat Satan. In Ephesians 6:10-20, we are told to "put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." Subsequently, the armor is listed as the belt of "truth," the "breastplate of righteousness," the shoes of "peace," the "shield of faith," the "helmet of salvation," and the "sword of the Spirit."
This spiritual weaponry is not man-made (2 Cor. 10:3-5). There are many misunderstandings and false ideas about how to "stand firm." But our spiritual weapons can be summed up in one word: obedience. Obedience comes by having our minds controlled by the truth of God's Word. By obeying God's Word, you will stand firm "in the evil day" (Eph. 6:13). When is the evil day? Every day has been evil since Adam and Eve listened to Satan's temptation. So, in the words of the Apostle Paul;"Put on the full armor of God.."
Think about it.
Remember.....he is defeated (Rev. 20:10), though for now he is the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2).
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Conversation Hearts
On this day in particular every year Sweetheart Conversation Hearts are bought, given, and eaten by the millions. Proving what we know: words are cheap!
Hundreds of times a day a judge's gavel drops to the desk and the dismal words are spoke: "Divorce granted." A marriage which began with delight has ended with disillusionment. What began with excitement and expectation has ended with bitterness and hostility.
Of all days, this might be the best day, to ask: How can I make my words more meaningful to my spouse or significant other? At the risk of sounding too have to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) so that you will demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). You have to understand that love is really actions not words (1 Cor. 13:4-7). All the words used to describe love in these verses (1 Cor. 13:4-7) are actions that are manifested toward another. Certainly love is a feeling, an emotion, and even words, but more than these, it is an action (John 15:13-14). Therefore, it's not what you say, but what you do that demonstrates true love.
Too many times our words can be empty, flattery, superficial, even selfish. So beginning today, let your love be actions, and use words as needed.
Think about it!
Hundreds of times a day a judge's gavel drops to the desk and the dismal words are spoke: "Divorce granted." A marriage which began with delight has ended with disillusionment. What began with excitement and expectation has ended with bitterness and hostility.
Of all days, this might be the best day, to ask: How can I make my words more meaningful to my spouse or significant other? At the risk of sounding too have to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) so that you will demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). You have to understand that love is really actions not words (1 Cor. 13:4-7). All the words used to describe love in these verses (1 Cor. 13:4-7) are actions that are manifested toward another. Certainly love is a feeling, an emotion, and even words, but more than these, it is an action (John 15:13-14). Therefore, it's not what you say, but what you do that demonstrates true love.
Too many times our words can be empty, flattery, superficial, even selfish. So beginning today, let your love be actions, and use words as needed.
Think about it!
Friday, February 1, 2013
The Deceitfulness of Sin
In a recent session of the current Old Testament Survey Class--The Long Story Short-- that I am teaching, we were reminded of the deceitfulness of sin. Sin is a peace thief. It is a joy robber. It is the destroyer of all good things in your life. Sin--no matter its form--troubles, represses, torments, and enslaves. Nothing good ever comes from sin. Since the Garden of Eden Satan has deceived people with doubt, distortion, delay, denial, and ultimately death. He whispers to us: "You will deny the pleasures, significance, rights, and privileges in your life if you are obedient to God. To really experience life, you need to do your own thing." There are three wrong assumptions about this lie:
1. Obedience to God is bad, limiting, and oppressive.
2. Disobedience will be fun, fulfilling, and accomplish my goals.
3. You have plenty of time to make amends with God. Timing is everything.
These are the assumptions that Satan must sell in order to succeed. Think of Eve in the Garden:
She saw an evil as good. She rejected God's truth, and accepted Satan's lie. Satan's lie seemed logical, rational, and pleasurable. She desired the forbidden. She followed her own passions, and deluded reasoning, and took the fruit. She ate it. Death was the consequence (Rom. 5:12). Not immediate biological death, but spiritual death and eventual biological death. Adam also willingly and knowingly sinned too.
Satan is a cunning liar--a murderer. He looks to deceive us (1 Pet. 5:8) and then accuse us to God (Rev. 12:9-12). The truth about sin is this: "After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when it is fully grown, it gives birth to death" (James 1:14-15).
Think about it.
1. Obedience to God is bad, limiting, and oppressive.
2. Disobedience will be fun, fulfilling, and accomplish my goals.
3. You have plenty of time to make amends with God. Timing is everything.
These are the assumptions that Satan must sell in order to succeed. Think of Eve in the Garden:
She saw an evil as good. She rejected God's truth, and accepted Satan's lie. Satan's lie seemed logical, rational, and pleasurable. She desired the forbidden. She followed her own passions, and deluded reasoning, and took the fruit. She ate it. Death was the consequence (Rom. 5:12). Not immediate biological death, but spiritual death and eventual biological death. Adam also willingly and knowingly sinned too.
Satan is a cunning liar--a murderer. He looks to deceive us (1 Pet. 5:8) and then accuse us to God (Rev. 12:9-12). The truth about sin is this: "After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when it is fully grown, it gives birth to death" (James 1:14-15).
Think about it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What Should Believers Do?
Today was another deadly day in our nation. Over 3,000 unborn children died by surgical abortion. Americans should understand this tragedy in the context of Roe v. Wade--the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortion in our nation. The Newtown Massacre was a horrific event! it more horrific than the 3,000 unborn murdered today? Yesterday over 3,000 unborn died and tomorrow over 3,000 unborn will die, and so it goes--every day for the past forty years. 54 million since 1973! Who knows how many more will die?
What should believers do?
1. Cry out to Almighty God in humility and repentance for our nation.
2. Continue to work through the available and necessary political avenues.
3. Focus (money and service) on opportunities of mercy such as crisis pregnancy centers.
4. Promote and support adoption. All BBC members remember our adoption fund.
You can contribute at any time. All monies go to actual adoption opportunities.
5. Preach the Gospel of repentance and faith in Christ alone.
6. Be compassionate to all who have chosen abortion as an option.
What should believers do?
1. Cry out to Almighty God in humility and repentance for our nation.
2. Continue to work through the available and necessary political avenues.
3. Focus (money and service) on opportunities of mercy such as crisis pregnancy centers.
4. Promote and support adoption. All BBC members remember our adoption fund.
You can contribute at any time. All monies go to actual adoption opportunities.
5. Preach the Gospel of repentance and faith in Christ alone.
6. Be compassionate to all who have chosen abortion as an option.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Church Football
It's NFL Playoff time! (Please no snickering, scoffing, laughing and/or disparaging, or rude remarks about the Dallas Cowboys. I know!). Here's some Church Football to think about. I first read this in 1999!!
Quarterback Sneak: Church members quietly leaving during the invitation.
Draw Play: What many children do with the bulletin during worship.
Halftime: The time between Sunday School and worship when many chose to leave.
Benchwarmer: Church members who do not sing, pray, work, or anything but sit.
Backfield-in-Motion: Making a trip to the back (restroom or water fountain) during the service.
Staying in the Pocket: What happens to a lot of money that should be given to the Lord's work.
Two-minute Warning: The point at which you realize the sermon is almost over and begin to gather up your children and belongings.
Instant Replay: The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week's illustrations.
Sudden Death: What happens to the attention span of the congregation if the preacher goes "overtime."
Trap: You're called on to pray and you are asleep.
End Run: Getting out of church quick, without speaking to any guest or fellow member.
Flex Defense: The ability to allow absolutely nothing said during the sermon to affect your life.
Halfback Option: The decision of 50% of the congregation not to return for the evening service.
Blitz: The rush for the restaurants following the closing prayer.
Funny! But don't hide behind the humor! Think about it!
Quarterback Sneak: Church members quietly leaving during the invitation.
Draw Play: What many children do with the bulletin during worship.
Halftime: The time between Sunday School and worship when many chose to leave.
Benchwarmer: Church members who do not sing, pray, work, or anything but sit.
Backfield-in-Motion: Making a trip to the back (restroom or water fountain) during the service.
Staying in the Pocket: What happens to a lot of money that should be given to the Lord's work.
Two-minute Warning: The point at which you realize the sermon is almost over and begin to gather up your children and belongings.
Instant Replay: The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week's illustrations.
Sudden Death: What happens to the attention span of the congregation if the preacher goes "overtime."
Trap: You're called on to pray and you are asleep.
End Run: Getting out of church quick, without speaking to any guest or fellow member.
Flex Defense: The ability to allow absolutely nothing said during the sermon to affect your life.
Halfback Option: The decision of 50% of the congregation not to return for the evening service.
Blitz: The rush for the restaurants following the closing prayer.
Funny! But don't hide behind the humor! Think about it!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
The One Thing
Many of us are beginning the new year with a resolve to read the Bible more faithfully and diligently than we did in 2012. Here are some thoughts that ought to make our reading more fruitful. Too much "clutter" can choke the Word, making us less obedient and faithful ("the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches"--Matt. 13:22). Do you have too many things--debt, distractions, obligations--for the really important things in life? Remember the "one thing" passages of the Bible:
"One thing you lack....sell whatever you have...and follow Me" (Mark 10:21).
"One thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that" (Luke 10:41-42).
"One thing....I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God" (Phil. 3:13-14).
Are you doing the one thing needed to spend time with God's Word, or is your life cluttered with so many trivial pursuits and urgent trifles that you can't get around to doing that "one thing"?
"One thing you lack....sell whatever you have...and follow Me" (Mark 10:21).
"One thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that" (Luke 10:41-42).
"One thing....I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God" (Phil. 3:13-14).
Are you doing the one thing needed to spend time with God's Word, or is your life cluttered with so many trivial pursuits and urgent trifles that you can't get around to doing that "one thing"?
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